Thursday, 29 November 2007

Sketched images

I thought i should finally put some bits i did up...ive been lazy for a while on here sorry..the single picture is just with writing on incase we want to add writing on them, i dont know if you think its works?...the maps working ok...and its all seperate layers now so if i need to change the colours its easily done. Rach i like what you did with the image...maybe try using a sketchy sign like chris has done on his 1st pic...if you get me?..x

second profile

First profile

This is one of the profile backgrounds havent put any details on yet about the camera but added some graffiti and signage on the wall. Do either of you want me to make any changes?

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Photoshop stuff


Some images from the book Graffiti NYC

Monday, 26 November 2007

Camera Experiments

Here are some of the photoshop cctv cameras I created, finally managed to load them Rachel

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Friday, 23 November 2007

Hey guys, thought it was about time i put something up here. Just been playing around a bit with colours and typography. Only my first try so will do some more and get back to you xx

Monday, 19 November 2007

P.S. very frustrated i can't add you two as people on this going to ask one of the tutors tomorrow...ITS BUGGING ME...Laura xx

What we did today...

This is just so we can keep being reminded and going back to it incase we get stuck at any time, these photos aren't great quality but hopefully it will jog our memories. Laura xx

More photos

Here are some company numbers that I have picked out as well

Central security systems 01159 257 953
Secom (call free) 0800 252 753


Wednesday, 14 November 2007

For the start..

I took some pictures, couldn't find to much info. part from a pics though, do i think this will be a big problem?
Laura xx